Purpose......Ever felt like you're living without a purpose. Webster defines it as "something set up as an object or end to be attained". I remember my freshman year in college I had some of the most thought provoking friends. We would sit together and have powerful debates on the most touchy subjects. One that relates to my rant today is "does God actually have a path set for you?". When my friends and I spoke on this subject I argued as a "young christian" saying that for everybody God as already written out their path and its inevitable to diverge from it. Then one of my friends argued if that's so, then God decides who is the rapist, the serial killer, the bank robber, and all the castaways of civilization. I say "young christian" because at till this point I had no rebuttal for his argument. Suffice to say I was young and never knew the actual meaning of the word "purpose". Now if I had known that purpose means something set up as an object or end to be attained, then my rebuttal would be this:
God has a purpose for all of his children, whether is be a calling in the church, community, entertainment, medical field, etc. But one thing my God does not do is decide who is going to be the serial killer, or the rapist, my God is graceful and he always gives you a good "purpose". See you have to attain that purpose, you can't just pray everyday asking God "what is my purpose..show me..." You have to go out and search for it by good will, if you do, then you will truly see that its never anything evil. It's when you ignore the pursuit of that purpose, then you begin to live without a purpose and you feel your world tumbling down. This then makes people resort to violence and devious behaviors, which any man in his right mind would wish to his fellow man, so why would our creator.
See I'm writing this today because sometimes we get this feeling like the world keeps spinning and nothing is happening at our end. Well one thing that keeps me on the right path and keeps me going is that I know that something has been set up for me and its by job to go attain it and claim it. One thing I know about what is set up for me is that when I attain it my father will finally say "son I'm proud of you". And that my friend is my purpose in life in a nutshell, now to go find my friend and give him a piece of my mind three years later.
Make sure you listen to the song after....really finishes my point.
I still question God on a daily, even hourly basis. I believe there is a God, but there are so many unanswered questions I have that my faith is not as strong as what I feel it should be. I posted something on my tumblr not too long ago and a stranger replied to it. He was brave for answering the question, but that was only the surface of what I felt was "sitting heavy" on my heart. Here's the link. Tell me your thoughts. (P.S. get a tumblr! The format is much more simple and this stupid thing keeps saying I don't have the latest version of flash player) http://thegoodtheinbetweensthebad.tumblr.com/post/1609934156/you-asked-about-whether-the-bible-should-be-read