I find myself asking questions over and over again. Why are humans so different from the next creature? what made us smarter? what made us think we're smart? Are we really better than any other living thing that roams around this earth? I ask myself questions like this constantly through the day. I've bought numerous books that claim they have the answer for 'a man's search for meaning' what exactly was i put on this earth for. I guess a dog doesn't ask it self that question, it just goes about its day looking for food and water. Think about a tiny bacteria that infects us (humans) everyday, what's their purpose, why cause stress to us, don't we both have the same goal? Don't look at me I don't the answer to that question but what i do have is this Dimethyltriptamine or better known as DMT. What is it? Its a chemical an alkaliod found in all beings, ours is produced by the brain. Its function? It's a psychedelic that creates the dream world that we must have every night while we're asleep. The truth is if you don't dream, you die. Simple as that. So DMT..how does that connect to the purpose of life..DMT is release during REM sleep and right before human death. Ok forget the REM sleep part, lets focus on the part where this potent pschedelic is released at the moment right before you die. Why is that? Is that the chemical that will create the after-life world thats been preached to us since birth? It's tough to say, but they chilling topic to ponder upon. The video below is comedian Joe Rogan...yes i said comedian Joe Rogan the guy from fear factor giving his view on the purpose of mankind, and i have to say it is the best I have heard so far. He speaks on his experience with DMT, and how the drug works, then he goes into talking about humans as an advanced form of bacteria whose job is to innovate and procreate to keep the earth spinning.He has really good points on how we humans are all dependent on each other, and that's part of our biological make-up. We were made to function as a unit, just as yeast makes dough rise, and mold takes over a sandwich, we humans have a purpose and that's to keep making babies, and inventing new things. Fuck emotions, fuck the little bullshit that comes with life all that is just a set-up to make us believe that we are individuals while in actuality we are actually just a piece in the puzzle of life. So what's next? Jay Electronica!!!
I cant believe noone has commented on this yet, or even more so why i havent heard about DMT before. I pride myself in knowing shit like this...so imma DEF look into it some more. Thanks for posting.