Monday, December 20, 2010

Social Message (AWARENESS)

"Beware of the beast man.
For he is the devils pawn.
Alone among God's primates.
He kills for sport, lust, or greed.
Yay he will murder his brother to posses his brothers land.
Let him not breed in great numbers,
For he will make a desert of his home, and yours.
Shun him, drive him back into his jungle layer.
For he is the harbinger of death. "

"My Third Eye Sharp So Keen It's Gorgeous"
-Wise Words Well Spoken.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poetry Doesn't Have To Rhyme

"They say the good things in life comes to those who i believe"

Meeting someone like you is something any sensible person dreams of in a lifetime…it wasn’t the fact that you are a beautiful rather its more the kind of person you are…for some reason I feel your spirit and it lifts me higher and makes me want to be a better person. For as often as we speak never have I felt a negative energy between the two of us…my deepest secrets I want to reveal to you without a care because I know you will take them in stride and never past judgment your only motive would be just to figure out my reasoning on why a made such and such decisions. Its very uplifting to meet someone like you and I promise you and myself that I will never ever just let you skate by. I want you in my life, completely, your more than a friend; you’re a soul mate. I’m only saying this because I know deep down you feel the same way about me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inspire yourself by writing Pt.2

As you all know, I'm a big fan of journals, diaries, or anything as such. Stumbling upon old pieces of writing has to be one of the most eye opening moments in life. I find it hard to believe that your conscience will allow you to lie to yourself in writing. From my experiences it seems like your true genius comes out when you write about life and the things going on around you. I would like to take this time out to apologize to all of my english teachers who made me write journals every morning in class and i gave them a dirty look. Please forgive me because I had no idea the power of what you spoke of. Now I see completely, and i plan to continue writing journals as often as i can. Here is a brief journal i wrote back in 2008 about Plato. I hope you like it. And please pick up a pen/pencil and write about the first thing that comes to mind. Maybe one day when you stumble upon it, it will spark a life changing moment. At the end is a song by J.cole called "see world" I added it because it's mirrors the idea of writing what you see and also it's DOPE!

This is a conversation between Glaucon, a student, and Socrates, his teacher, and then Plato writes an allegory of this conversation. Plato asks us to imagine human beings who are prisoners in a cave, chained and forced to face one direction. Behind the prisoners, there is a fire that casts shadows upon the wall the prisoners are facing. Since birth, all they have watched are shadows of statues and animals cast upon that wall. They also hear conversations of those who transport these statues. To the prisoners, the truth is literally nothing else except the shadows of the images they see. Plato asks us to consider what will follow when one prisoner is released from his chains, and cured of his ignorance. At first he will fight the truth, but inevitably he will start to see more than shadows. Getting accustomed to the real world , will he care about being the leader inside the cave or living as just another person in the real world? Plato asks us to consider the man going back to into the cave in his new state; wouldn't his eyes leaving the sunlight be covered in darkness? When he recovers and resumes to living with his mates, wouldn't he invite ridicule towards them because of their ignorance? And if he tried to lead them towards enlightenment, wouldn't they kill him?

This allegory has to be one of the best things I have ever read in my lifetime. It has brought total enlightenment to my eyes. Though it is tough to understand, with due reasoning I am really amazed on how much truth Plato is speaking about reality, change, and, ignorance. Whenever my eyes are opened to something new, something that has never been part of my life; like foreign foods or dating outside your race, my first reaction is to reject it because I have never tried it before. In a sense I am blinded by the shadows of my comfort level. Now when I try it and fall in love with it, the next step is to introduce it to my friends or tell them about it. If I tell my friends, or parents that I am going to marry outside my race, it will be looked upon as an abomination. But with my new state of mind I see nothing wrong with such things again, because I am not blinded by the darkness of my comfort level.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life. What are we here for? "I look to the sky, talk to an invisble man and hope one day my prayers get answered"

I find myself asking questions over and over again. Why are humans so different from the next creature? what made us smarter? what made us think we're smart? Are we really better than any other living thing that roams around this earth? I ask myself questions like this constantly through the day. I've bought numerous books that claim they have the answer for 'a man's search for meaning' what exactly was i put on this earth for. I guess a dog doesn't ask it self that question, it just goes about its day looking for food and water. Think about a tiny bacteria that infects us (humans) everyday, what's their purpose, why cause stress to us, don't we both have the same goal? Don't look at me I don't the answer to that question but what i do have is this Dimethyltriptamine or better known as DMT. What is it? Its a chemical an alkaliod found in all beings, ours is produced by the brain. Its function? It's a psychedelic that creates the dream world that we must have every night while we're asleep. The truth is if you don't dream, you die. Simple as that. So does that connect to the purpose of life..DMT is release during REM sleep and right before human death. Ok forget the REM sleep part, lets focus on the part where this potent pschedelic is released at the moment right before you die. Why is that? Is that the chemical that will create the after-life world thats been preached to us since birth? It's tough to say, but they chilling topic to ponder upon. The video below is comedian Joe Rogan...yes i said comedian Joe Rogan the guy from fear factor giving his view on the purpose of mankind, and i have to say it is the best I have heard so far. He speaks on his experience with DMT, and how the drug works, then he goes into talking about humans as an advanced form of bacteria whose job is to innovate and procreate to keep the earth spinning.He has really good points on how we humans are all dependent on each other, and that's part of our biological make-up. We were made to function as a unit, just as yeast makes dough rise, and mold takes over a sandwich, we humans have a purpose and that's to keep making babies, and inventing new things. Fuck emotions, fuck the little bullshit that comes with life all that is just a set-up to make us believe that we are individuals while in actuality we are actually just a piece in the puzzle of life. So what's next? Jay Electronica!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Purpose (No Matter what keep searching)

Purpose......Ever felt like you're living without a purpose. Webster defines it as "something set up as an object or end to be attained". I remember my freshman year in college I had some of the most thought provoking friends. We would sit together and have powerful debates on the most touchy subjects. One that relates to my rant today is "does God actually have a path set for you?". When my friends and I spoke on this subject I argued as a "young christian" saying that for everybody God as already written out their path and its inevitable to diverge from it. Then one of my friends argued if that's so, then God decides who is the rapist, the serial killer, the bank robber, and all the castaways of civilization. I say "young christian" because at till this point I had no rebuttal for his argument. Suffice to say I was young and never knew the actual meaning of the word "purpose". Now if I had known that purpose means something set up as an object or end to be attained, then my rebuttal would be this:

God has a purpose for all of his children, whether is be a calling in the church, community, entertainment, medical field, etc. But one thing my God does not do is decide who is going to be the serial killer, or the rapist, my God is graceful and he always gives you a good "purpose". See you have to attain that purpose, you can't just pray everyday asking God "what is my me..." You have to go out and search for it by good will, if you do, then you will truly see that its never anything evil. It's when you ignore the pursuit of that purpose, then you begin to live without a purpose and you feel your world tumbling down. This then makes people resort to violence and devious behaviors, which any man in his right mind would wish to his fellow man, so why would our creator.

See I'm writing this today because sometimes we get this feeling like the world keeps spinning and nothing is happening at our end. Well one thing that keeps me on the right path and keeps me going is that I know that something has been set up for me and its by job to go attain it and claim it. One thing I know about what is set up for me is that when I attain it my father will finally say "son I'm proud of you". And that my friend is my purpose in life in a nutshell, now to go find my friend and give him a piece of my mind three years later.

Make sure you listen to the song after....really finishes my point.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Theory of Intelligence

'Well you see, Norm, it's like this . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.'

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Accidently Inspire Yourself...BY WRITING??

I'm a big time writer, from time to time i usually pick up a pen and paper and jot down my thoughts on my life and the lives of others around me. I always encourage my friends to pick up a pen and write at least once a month. Why? Because to replenishes the soul, helps you clear your mind and now your able to add new things into your mind. It's kinda like cleaning your room. So how can you accidently inspire yourself? Well time flies by quick, quicker than you know. If you write and 3 years later you stumble upon something you wrote in the past and you read it, you begin to question yourself if your still moving in the same path or have you ran off course. To me its inspiring to read my old journals on what i thought my life should be like, and this short piece is something i wrote as a freshman in college. I just wanted to share with you and to encourage you to always jot down your thoughts. There's also a perfect song that goes with this so go ahead and hit play while you read.

My dream in life is to ultimately be successful at whatever I put my hands and effort into. Whenever you speak of dream it consists of so many things you want your life to "mirror." Like I want my family to mirror that of a happy one, I want my kids to mirror that of a perfect one, I want my bank account to mirror that of Bill Gates, and I want my corporation to mirror that of success. Its always catching when you ask yourself "what is my dream in life," because the word dream means something in the supernatural, not really, or maybe untouchable. So when you list those things your subconscious thinks of perfection which is rarely achieved in life. It was only done by one and he was supernatural. So when I think of my dreams in life, I lean towards rephrasing it and saying my goals in life.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

An Asshole's Look at the Haiti Situation

I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist, no scratch that I am a conspiracy theorist. You'll never catch me believing in the government or anything mainstream. I'm the kind of person that believe the music industry is down with the illuminati and their job is to continue to make people believe is such stupid popular culture. I didn't vote when Barack Obama ran my reason being that he's a puppet and there's a white man behind the scenes running the show. Call it what you want but growing up in Nigeria under the Abacha dictatorship made me this way. I even love to listen to revolutionary music, music with a message. Immortal Technique is a well known revolutionary, one might listen and be like "yeah his rhymes are tight but dude is bugging with all this crazy sh**" Well I listen to it and agree with everything he's saying. Now it hasn't been too long since that massive earthquake in Haiti that caused so many people such anguish. To me it seemed like right after the quake every organization was in business asking for your donations left and right, BET, MTV, CNN, and so on. Once again I looked at it as Bullshit, they're not going to give these people the money/goods that has been donated. Well let me not say too much I'll rather let Technique tell you more about the experiences he encountered while visiting Haiti. After that hit the jump for one of my favorite songs by him

I recently arrived home from Haiti.

While I was there I worked in a few aspects of the relief effort including a solidarity mission to aid the Earthquake survivors. In addition to all of this Myself, Cormega and Styles P participated in a show to support Haitian Hip Hop and rebuild the community. I would like to thank Arms Around Haiti and Hip Hop for Haiti for inviting me to be a part of this movement. While I was there I saw both devastation and rebuilding efforts. I also broke bread with people who had lost their entire family. Literally, everyone but them was deceased. Then there were those whose grief centered around losing a mother, father, brother, sister, son, or daughter as a direct result of what happened. It should make everyone reading this feel blessed to have anyone in his or her life. Think about that… Now think about it some more.

I saw so many different things as I walked through the slums and rode around Port-Au-Prince (as well as the area surrounding it.) I met mayors, townspeople, and the Arms around Haiti (Sobs staff) introduced me to several visionary Haitians with good ideas to rebuild the country that I am seriously considering investing my time into.

But one of the most powerful experiences came to me when I was holding this little baby girl who couldn’t have been more than a year old. She was crying because she was hungry, thirsty and tired. I picked her up and she hugged onto me with the newfound control her young muscles had recently provided her. She was one of the many orphans that I met while I was there, and as I held her I wondered what the future would hold for this little precious life. Her father would never hold her again and rock her back and forth to sleep while whispering stories to her. She might find good hearted and righteous people to one day adopt her, but her father, the man who created her would never tell her that he loved her or that she was special, save for the length of a dream or a subconscious memory. So I told her in French that I loved her, that she was beautiful and that she was special to me. I gave her all my water and her young face was immediately full of focus and comfort. After a few minutes of holding her, she fell into slumber. I gave her back to her to a 11-year old girl who had also lost her parents and was acting like a surrogate mother to most of the younger children.

Then I looked at my hands, they seemed like such strong hands before I went to Haiti. Strong like my will that is made of iron, and my resolve, which I consider unbreakable. But the strength of this young adolescent Matriarch and her newfound responsibility served as God’s gentle reminder and it humbled greatly as I realized what she carried on her shoulders. I am a Revolutionary but rather than just going to places around the world to bring people freedom, I seem to find it among them.

I felt great sadness leaving this place but I also felt anger at the things I saw. So I began to detail a few observations about Haiti and Revolutionary action associated with it in general. I wrote these things as I saw them or felt them but I waited until I was home for a few days so as to not elicit an emotional response but rather one of logic and understanding concerning the various things I saw.

The Spirit of Toussaint is Alive:

- Although the people have suffered here immensely, I still see their spirit still very strong, unbroken and defiant. Even though the sun floods the day with sweltering heat, the vast majority of people are working in some capacity. Many have their own small business or hustle and they take great pride in what they do. They find no shame in their work, however menial because, as it was told to me they felt blessed to have anyone to provide for. In the camps when dusk settles in, children play soccer with pieces of garbage tied up or maybe an old volleyball. They are survivalists as their history has taught them to be. The tent cities are home to usually 2 or 3 families per tent. Perhaps it is their past dealings with dictators sponsored by this nation, or by years of civil strife and a long Revolutionary history but they have become so resilient, so much so that they now serve as a personal inspiration to me of what mankind/original man can overcome.

All about the Benjamin’s, Mon Cheri:

Foreign Aid. That is a deceptive phrase. Many times the countries who, pledge money to a disaster-ridden nation are not giving that country money at all. They are really pledging the money to their corporation to rebuild the country at an inflated price set by the global conglomerate. It changes the very nature of what that means. Imagine if your house burnt down and I told the news and every local media outlet I was going to “donate” $100,000 to rebuild it. This is the catch the job really costs $20,000 to do. Yes, from the Capitalist pro business point of view I am providing a service that I deserve to be compensated for. But the characterization of what I am doing is purposefully altered so as to disguise the real motivation for “aiding” you. I’m not condemning the idea of foreign aid on a whole although there are aspects of it that create dependency and de facto vassals. But the system by which some of this “aid” is raised and distributed sometimes has little to do with anything resembling a humanitarian effort.

Let’s recap. I give you money, which you’re essentially giving back to me plus interest for doing something at twice the cost. I don’t give you fish anymore. That was Imperialism. This is Neo Liberalism, we teach you to fish, and collect 75% of the profit…forever. This system is actually the one that seems rational to first world powers now and is still implemented today all over the planet. Corporate Non Government Organizations (NGO’s) raise billions of dollars just to spend a fraction of that on the people who are actually affected and suffering. Then as if overpaying themselves wasn’t enough they act like they really did something. This system gives a bad name to real non-profit NGO’s and people that are selflessly doing something out of the kindness of their hearts. The Foreign Aid field is infested with corporate socialites and poverty pimps who troll around the mud with us dark people so you have something to talk about at your bourgeois industry parties. And where is the money going?

Waiting in Vain:

There is about 12 Billion dollars of Aid, waiting to be distributed, (conveniently earning interest for someone by the way) and since world agencies (take your pick) do not trust the shell of government left in Haiti, the situation has spiraled into a game of tit for tat in some instances. Corruption is not relegated to the surviving members of a fractured government. The customs area has thousands of pieces of clothing and non-perishable food that is simply sitting in store-rooms because customs is sometimes demanding $8,000 (US) to allow it into the country. You read it right, $8,000 American dollars to let a few boxes of supplies collected by people like you into the country. There are organizations such as the one I was there with, and Wyclef’s ‘Yele’ that use their longstanding connections with local power players and government officials to navigate around these bureaucracies, but it made me wonder how many good hearted people’s donations were just sitting there in some hangar collecting mold and dust. The supplies I handed out, the stuff I brought myself to give to people, the houses we put people in seemed like a good first step but now I wish more than anything to return and really make an impact having studied the situation. (* I remember after the Earthquake happened the mainstream media did a few stories criticizing smaller Aid Organizations on the ground and encourage people to direct their donation to the Major ones. Now I wonder if it was to promote efficiency or was it to safeguard their corporate partners monopoly?)

Children’s Story:

In Haiti, child trafficking is still going on, because it’s a lucrative business. It hasn’t stopped just because the news has stopped covering it, this right here is still happening. ( ) I have even heard rumors about aid workers trading food for sex with little girls and boys. I’m not repeating these charges to try and substantiate them in any way. Because I hope they’re a lie, or at worst an exaggeration of an isolated incident. Far be it for me to try and pass innuendo off as fact but when you hear something like that from dozens of people from different walks of life, it makes you think. The reality after the Earthquake was that many of these children were (and still are) stolen and shipped out immediately or taken over to the Dominican Republic whose government is also very corrupt and sold to every corner of the world. Sad to think that the nation that showed the world that a successful slave revolution was possible has it’s sons and daughters sold into slavery in 2010.

The Almighty UN:

When I was young I thought the UN was a powerful entity, like the Super friends from Saturday morning cartoons. I was fed the idea that they provided a solution to arguing nations and would be helpful in taking the side of the underdog, the oppressed and colonized. But as I grew I realized it was just a way of making it look like America and Britain were not acting alone and it rewarded participants who conscripted their troops there. They are a Right Wing punching bag but really that’s duplicitous because they have been used to justify our actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. As if it is full of equal partners who are committed to the mission. Truth is the UN peacekeepers are full of many soldiers who would otherwise be getting paid $100 a week to be a soldier in their own country. The UN security-council resolutions have no teeth without the US’s approval, and sometimes they go to a country (like Haiti) and get a paycheck for doing very little. As I keep having interactions with them, my opinion just keeps on worsening. I by no means had any of those young teenage illusions about them going into this trip, but this is my observation. There is no salvation for the 3rd world in this entity. Truthfully, the UN are a war (with a real country) away from being as much of a part of history as the Hanseatic League. As we speak. They act as the de-facto military rulers of Haiti, with the US leaning over them looking at possible candidates. I think in all honesty they want a Haitian Karzai of their very own so perhaps their weakness is deceptive on purpose and they are just the arm of a face that has not revealed itself yet. “Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on, le malheur est qu’il tue ses élèves.”

Jesus’s Power Broker:

- Haiti is flooded with Christian missionaries. There were 40 of them on the plane with me headed to Port-Au-Prince. In case you don’t know what a missionary is kids, it’s not just a sexual position. (Although plenty of people have been fucked over the years.) It means someone who goes to other countries and tells people that their religion or native custom is savage and full of useless ceremonies to God’s & spirits that don’t exist. And while I know some of these people mean well, their very existence and purpose is in complete contradiction to what their religion actually teaches. Some are working to build schools and help out with social programs, but always with the agenda to prosthletize and solidify their religious control over the area. So no matter what their intentions are, they look like their peddling Jesus on a fishing pole with foreign aid wrapped in Bible paper on a hook. In the past they were dispatched to countries to make them as Christian as possible in a direct effort to bring them into the colonial power’s sphere of influence. You see Imperial powers could not win by military force, and so conversion directly aided in our subjugation and apparently still aids in our placation. As long as we let other people define God for us we will not only be the physical but also the spiritual prisoner of our oppressors vision.

Mission Impossible:

- Spain, Portugal, England, France and Italy, etc… did this “missionary work” all over Africa, Asia and Latin America. Many of you people reading this who are of the aforementioned faith have them to thank, not divine intervention for what you believe. I am not in any way shape or form trying to detract from the individuals who really have the message of Jesus Christ in their hearts. I honestly believe if we lived our lives by the teachings of Christ this world would be a better place. But there are too many frauds making money off of Yeshua these days. The crazy thing is, that as many Muslim and Jewish charities that are working in Haiti, I haven’t witnessed any effort by them to convert people to Judaism or Islam. What is it about this faith that we hold so dear in America that makes us so insecure about what other people believe in? You’re going to have to stop using the excuse you want to “save people” and just admit that you don’t feel comfortable around someone until they believe in what you believe, spiritually. What gives us the moral authority to go around the world and tell the indigenous people of every continent that their religion is a farce and the only real truth was compiled in Constantinople in 325 AD? Isn’t the most “Christian” thing in the world to give charity to the poor and suffering without asking for anything in return? (Least of all, the culmination of all their beliefs.)

Blood Roots:

As I walked through the tent cities full of families waiting for water and cooking whatever they could find for their collective I happened upon a long road. It led me through the scorching slums of the outer area of Port-Au-Prince. While I was walking these two young brothers who ere dressed in red asked me if I was a Blood. I looked at them both and I responded that I wasn’t and one of them then raised his eyebrow, “you Crip then?” He asked with a heavy Creole accent. I said that I was neither and I was more like a Black Panther. After all OG Black Panthers and people from the Indigenous movements have taught me a libraries worth of knowledge. The younger one asked me what a Black panther was. I searched my surrounding for an analogy and there just happened to be a small tree near by. So I walked them over to it. The tree had two branches littered with a few leaves. Holding one branch I said, “this one is the blood” and pointing to the other one I said, “this one is the Crip” and then putting his hand on the trunk close to the roots, I said “this one is the Black Panther”. “Ne de la Revolution” which means Born out of Revolution in my humble French. The young kid smiled at me and asked me more about the Black Panthers. I stood there speaking to him for a little while and then we saluted one another and went our separate ways. Although Haiti is twice as hood as any place in the US, they are such a young country full of children who must become adults before their time. If they are to succeed, someone must educate them to the fact that what people call Black history is in fact world history. I would be honored to be a part of that someday. Don’t worry I won’t NGO them for hundreds of G’s either. I’d settle for a room and some coffee in the morning.

La Revolucion de Latino America:

For those of us who are studying Latin American Revolution, Haiti is the prequel, the seemingly invincible power of France being challenged and overcome. The Napoleonic wars gave America a chance to breathe away from the eyes of Europe long enough to affirm itself. France’s assault on Spain weakened the European states enough for us to take the moment that we cherish as our time for ‘Revolucion’. The story of our Revolution doesn’t begin in the 1950’s but in the Indigenous revolts of the conquest era and the early 1800’s when a small island of enslaved Africans showed the world that it was possible. Estudiantes Latinos, estudia esta Revolucion, sus lecciones son unas de las mas importantes para apprender. Tienen te todo, de raza, de classe, de corrupcion, y por supuesto del sacrificio necessario para obtener la libertad.

In parting:

I learned something very reassuring about myself in Haiti, something I am proud to acknowledge and leave my people on a good note with. When I meet someone who is a better activist, or Revolutionary, (I’ll be happy to make that distinction later) when I see someone whose actions achieve more than mine, or who has a more complete perspective I become inspired. I don’t get bitter or jealous and think about trying to “out-revolutionary” them. That’s so pointless and yet it is something that I see sometimes in the movement, people who think that because another doesn’t adhere to the same ideology or the same faith that we must bring them down. I am a Revolutionary and I need no one’s permission to be. We were successful at breaking ground in Haiti, but my mission there is by no means complete, I wish to plan further actions with my friends at Arms Around Haiti and the staff at SOBS. I would like to thank Jube, Mario, Cormega, StylesP, Herbie, Clef, Yele, Arms Around Haiti, Parrish, BC, and my Haitian Soldiers there for making this trip possible I look forward to returning soon.

“Le travail éloigne de nous trois grands maux: l’ennui, le vice et le besoin.”

Peace & Respect,

Immortal Technique

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Live Now" Happy 21st Birthday To Me

First off, I'd like to thank Jesus my Lord and Savior for allowing me to see another year in life, everyday people loose loved ones who are very dear and special to them but still the chance to live is taken for-granted. So I say LIVE NOW! "So I switched my motto, instead of saying fuck tomorrow/that buck that bought a bottle could've cracked the lotto." Those are the words of one of my all time favorite MCs, Nas. I always from time to time love to take a step back and assess the situation in my life and see if I'm living life to the fullest. Regrets are something I really would hate to possess, I look around and all I see are men living with regrets on things they should've done differently. Times when ego and pride get in the way and ruin relationships, families, business, e.t.c. So keeping it short and sweet my advice to you is to be smart, make calculated decisions, always be the level headed one in the relationship, never do too much of anything, stray away from ignorance, in everything you do put God first, rationality should be your nationality, kindness can be seen as weakness but rudeness is spat upon so be strong, and always challenge yourself, be forever joyed with progress and live NOW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME |!|!|!|!|!|√|

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Patience (You'd learn if you were that lady in the Picture)

Damian's Verses.
Some of the smartest dummies
Can't read the language of Egyptian mummies
An' a fly go a moon
And can't find food for the starving tummies
Pay no mind to the youths
Cause it's not like the future depends on it
But save the animals in the zoo
Cause the chimpanzee dem a make big money
This is how the media pillages
On the TV the picture is
Savages in villages
And the scientist still can't explain the pyramids, huh
Evangelists making a living on the videos of ribs of the little kids
Stereotyping the image of the images
And this is what the image is
You buy a khaki pants
And all of a sudden you say a Indiana Jones
An' a thief out gold and thief out the scrolls and even the buried bones
Some of the worst paparazzis I've ever seen and I ever known
Put the worst on display so the world can see
And that's all they will ever show
So the ones in the west
Will never move east
And feel like they could be at home
Dem get tricked by the beast
But a where dem ago flee when the monster is fully grown?
Solomonic linage whe dem still can't defeat and them coulda never clone
My spiritual DNA that print in my soul and I will forever Own Lord

Huh, we born not knowing, are we born knowing all?
We growing wiser, are we just growing tall?
Can you read thoughts? can you read palms?
Huh, can you predict the future? can you see storms, coming?
The Earth was flat if you went too far you would fall off
Now the Earth is round if the shape change again everybody woulda start laugh
The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of
And still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of
Scholars teach in Universities and claim that they're smart and cunning
Tell them find a cure when we sneeze and that's when their nose start running
And the rich get stitched up, when we get cut
Man a heal dem broken bones in the bush with the wed mud
Can you read signs? can you read stars?
Can you make peace? can you fight war?
Can you milk cows, even though you drive cars? huh
Can you survive, Against All Odds, No
I remember when J. cole's verse for beautiful bliss was heard and it had the whole internet buzzing, blogs were saying this was the verse of the year, I even joined in and co-signed on that notion. Now that was last year, this year rightfully so the verse of the year has to go to Damian Marley; I admit if it wasn't for this album with Nas (one of the best rappers ever #justsayin) I probably wouldn't look into listening to Marley Jr. But thats besides the point, my motive to explain why I think this verse is so great. First of it's not complex at all, clearly not a riddle, or a metaphorical haven, this verse is more of an eye opener and that makes it have only one meaning when heard, there's no two ways to understand it. I know people steer away from conscious rap, but this right here is the art form at its best. To me what Damian Marley was saying is something you come across in a book looking for deeper meaning.

I love how he begins "Some of the smartest dummies/can't read the images of egyptian mummies". Basically what I take from that is no matter how informed we are, we still haven't even reached anywhere near the amount of knowledge in the world to be gained. He's absolutely right when he speaks on how much money we put into gaining knowledge instead of focusing on making sure every child is fed, then missionaries broadcast on late night TV and make money off of the ribs of little kids. My favorite line is when he says "pay no mind to the youths/cause its not like the future depends on it/but save animals in the zoo/cause the chimpanzee dem a make big money." Truthfully, I'm speechless when I hear that because he's basically force feeding you the truth. People speak on a future where we can go live on the moon, drive space cars, meet aliens, I myself, I think all that is total bull shit. We are in the 21st century and from the 1st century all man has worried about is food, clothes, and shelter but 20 centuries later the struggles for these 3 simple but essential things is still a harsh reality is many places around the world.

One of my favorite things to say to my friends when they start to basically talk out their ass is "don't be an ignorant person with an opinion" go home research the matter and come back so we can have a better argument/conversation on the matter. Damian agrees with me "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of/And still won't research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of." People love to just talk, they'll come up with outrageous notions just to win an argument or to seem intelligent. Hands down this verse is comparable to the works of music great Bob Dylan who always served you the truth whether interested or not. Long blabber short make sure you purchase Distant Relatives its worth the money especially if your not one to read books, this album will definitely teach you a few things.|| I'm Out

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bio/What to expect

My name? well thats irrelevant, think of me as an african nigerian american, who was raised in a 3rd world country and now maturing in the modern day Sodom & Gomorrah aka America. Basically expect a different perspective on everything ranging from music, politics, antics, culture, and my favorite popular culture or as i call it just plain stupidity. Check in with me every week as I will continue to update you what is very bright for the eye to see but people continue to walk by as if nothing happened.